Archive 20060129

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[Panel 1]
You know, Nils, this genetic
theory of yours makes sense.

Oh, no! Don't ENCOURAGE him!

Seriously. It explains
a lot of things.

Why, thank you.

[Panel 2]
Like the piles of dirty
laundry that used to ooze
out of Phil's room...

You mean, so long as they
didn't actually move while
he was looking at them...

... he wasn't aware
they existed, yes.

Gosh, THANK you.

[Panel 3]
There's a difference between
genetic programming and having no
sense of smell, you know.

I can smell dirty socks.

What? Where? Whose socks?
I can't smell any.

I don't THINK any of Phil's
socks got into my luggage....

[Panel 4]
Oh, not here-and-now,
just in general.

Phew, that's a relief!

Not being able to
smell serious
putrescence can't
be a survival
characteristic anyhow,
though, surely?

It could be, you know.

YOU never had to share a
barracks with several dozen
other eighteen-year-olds.

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