Bell |
Elizabeth |
Nils |
Steve |
[Panel 1]
Hi Bell. I'll have a....
Why is Mandi standing
on a bar-stool?
I thought we only
had those at home.
Is Nils here yet?
No, are we expecting him?
[Panel 2]
He said he was persuading
his boss to grace us peons
with his presence this once.
So who's playing tonight?
Dunno. Ask Steve.
Mandi, you can come down now.
Bell threw the mouse out.
"Piston"? That sounds as silly
as a personalised numberplate.
[Panel 3]
I never understood those.
I mean, why would anyone
want a car called "OLD 61T"?
Or "M15 MAN"?
Which is bound to
be a lie anyhow.
You want to get behind the bar
some time this week, Mandi?
It plays hell with their driving, too.
I was watching one called "DER 3K"
trying to park, just now...
[Panel 4]
Hi, Bell, Elizabeth.
Why is Mandi standing
on a bar-stool?
Oh, fair enough.
Well, it'll give the gang from
work something to talk about.
They're right behind me.
Elizabeth, could you shut up
about my boss's parking, please?
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