Archive 20080224

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Time immemorial was defined in 1276 to be 3 September 1189, the date of the coronation of Richard I; proof of unbroken possession or use of a right from that date was considered to make it unnecessary to establish the original grant of that right. In 1832 this was formally abandoned, and a 20-year rule (30 years in the case of rights against the Crown) was substituted.

Heraldically, time immemorial is sometimes considered to be 1066.

[Panel 1]
Blast. You're sure?

Really, Nils. No swans.
They belong to the Crown.

It's a shame, but I
suppose you WOULD know.

I've got evidence from 1310. That's
not quite time immemorial but
it's still enough time to be sure.

[Panel 2]
They turn up in the docks...

Oh, and while I think of it --
no stranded whales either.

I don't think I
WANT whale sausages.

Don't they belong to the Crown too?

Oh, and sturgeon.

[Panel 3]
How about Canada geese?


There are lots of those.

I think you might have
trouble with the RSPB.

I thought you were going to
say they're Commonwealth and
they belong to the Crown.

[Panel 4]
Oh well, back to Plan A.

Should I ask?

Lots of deer in Richmond Park.

Only those belong to the Crown too.


I bet she doesn't
even LIKE sausages!

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