Archive 20090412

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[Panel 1]
I won't have it!
This is too early!


It's being Spring at me.

Erm, and...?

[Panel 2]
There are things GROWING in the
yard. GREEN things. And not just
where you had the last braai.

That's all right. The
cafe downstairs will harvest
them and sell them to
unsuspecting vegetarians.

I'm pretty sure one of
them GROWLED at me.

[Panel 3]
Then I'LL harvest them.
Where did I put my panga?

Is that the axe thingy? I think
Jaakko took it for cleaning
out his pickling cupboard.

Uh-oh. That means we're
practically defenceless.

[Panel 4]
You know, Nils, sometimes
I worry about you...

Aha! It's OK, I can
disable the safeties on
the microwave oven!

And sometimes I stop
worrying and run.

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