Archive 20090712

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# office again
[Panel 1]
Any chance you're going to have
another dinner party any time soon?

I suppose I could. What's it worth?

Half a red deer.

I didn't mean... oh never mind.

[Panel 2]
No, really, please. They didn't eat
enough of it at home and they need space
in the freezer for this year's hunting.

This isn't the one for
the cat, is it?

It would be more than my
life is worth to deprive
the cat of her deer.

[Panel 3]
Well, I've never butchered
venison before, but I
suppose it's always good
to learn new things.

I wrote an
in PostScript.

Yes, they haven't been giving us a
lot of work to do lately, have they?

[Panel 4]
It could be worse. At
least they're paying us.

Just don't let on
that most of the time
the kit keeps
running on its own.

That reminds me, time for another
random systems failure. I think
it's Accounting's turn today.

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