Bell |
Camille |
Elizabeth |
Nils |
[Panel 1]
Where d'you think Bell got that
chicken? It was a bit greasy.
I don't know, but if she can get
any more I've got a swan recipe
I've been wanting to try out.
Jaakko said his mate in Wycombe
can probably get a swan...
[Panel 2]
I can do without being banged
up for treason, thank YOU.
We've had that discussion.
I have a dream... a dream
of having eaten one of
every animal in the world.
Is that so much to ask?
Why not start with some
of the easier ones? Like
[Panel 3]
[size 14]
Well, I was
going to suggest...
[size 10]
In the bathroom!
What are they doing?
Eating the soap.
[Panel 4]
That's IT, Nils.
Either they go or I do.
Oh, all right then.
Sic 'em, Camille!
[style 8way]
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