Bell |
Elizabeth |
Jaakko |
Nils |
[Panel 1]
I think we may have
over-catered a little.
It's going to be sausage sandwiches
for the next week, you know...
[Panel 2]
Hurrah for the pig!
And the goat.
Not that you ever met them
before you made sausages and
goatburgers out of them.
But they died gloriously!
[Panel 3]
Well, perhaps.
Er, chaps?
There seems
to be a
bit of beer
left over.
Can't panic. Too full.
[Panel 4]
Certainly not drinking
any more today.
Only, if you don't want it,
I'll use it to make Stew...
Will it keep until the middle of
the week when we're hungry again?
Keep? It'll barely have
finished cooking by then.
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