Archive 20171008

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[Panel 1]
Nils, you've got a Parcel.

Oh? Probably
one of my
games finally

It went clink.

Better take a look then.

[Panel 2]
Ah good, my bru came through.

He sent you... Marmite?

They make it differently
in South Africa.

It's just not the same here.

[Panel 3]
Is that Marmite with CHEESE?

Oh, donner it, he
sent the wrong sort.

Wrong sort? That's not
merely a "wrong sort".

That's an offence against man,
god and reason all at once.

[Panel 4]
What is that fascinating smell?
And before you ask, really,
only three locks today?

Well, it's no
good to me. You
can have it if
you want it.

Please take it away so that I don't
have to think about it any more.

I think that will tide
me over until the next
fermentation is done.

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