Archive 20200119

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[Panel 1]
So are we going to Essen again?
I need to plan holidays.

Can't decide until we
see how much trouble
and expense it's going
to be to get there.

Oh, and that has to wait for...

[Panel 2]

But the hotel we had
last year is nearly
booked up ALREADY.

The good ones were full
before the end of the show.

[Panel 3]

If we can't go,
we can't go.

But! Games!

[Panel 4]
Book the time off anyway, and if
we can't go we'll have some friends
over, play games for four days
solid while eating expensive
junk food and running on two
hours' sleep plus energy drinks.

Well, better than
nothing, but…

We'll have our own Essen!
With blackjack! And hookers!

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