Archive 20200503

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[Panel 1]
Seen Bell lately?

I think she went over to the
pub to clean everything. Again.

Oh dear. It's rough on her.

[Panel 2]
Though I be bounded in quite a
nice flat, I count myself queen of
infinite space, because I am the
bad dream that bad dreams have.

Meanwhile you are
clearly doing just… fine?

[Panel 3]
It's not looking good
for Essen, though.

Expo was pushed
back to August, and
now that's off.

Oh, were you going to that?

[Panel 4]
When did you last play a
boardgame that wasn't just
us? I'll be going to every
convention I can afford to.

Even the one
in Scotland?

Yeah, that's in October now. We
might just about be allowed out
of the house again by then.

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