Archive 20230212

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[Panel 1]
Boardgames boardgames boardgames!

It's over. Everyone's
gone home. And you've
got work in six hours.

But boardgames!

[Panel 2]
AND you locked up the
library and gave back their
keys and all the rest.

…but… boardgames?

You have two more than you
had this morning. (Also, where
are they going to live?)

[Panel 3]
I'm sure Bell won't notice if I
borrow the top of her wardrobe…

Where the Hats are?

Look, I'll tell you what.
Give me a game of Onitama, and
if I win, you go to bed.

[Panel 4]
What happens if I win?

I drop dead from shock
and you go to bed anyway.

Huh. OK. That sounds fair…

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