Archive 20230702

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[Panel 1]
Oh good, you're here.

In a brief break
between games

And maybe the
bit of work?

[Panel 2]
The work gets done. I can't help it
if you chose a job where you can't
just lie back and let your massive
brain come up with all the answers.

And the next time
you lose power?

Well, there is that.

[Panel 3]
Also, I'm closer to the goal. You
play with computers, and people
give you money. But you still need
me to turn that money into beer,
which is what you actually want.

You're not the only
beer seller in London.

But I'm the only one close
enough for you to walk home
from after chucking-out time.

[Panel 4]
True. I SUPPOSE I could get
a taxi all the way from an
emergency backup pub…

I was going to tell
you about the new barrel
of mild, but I suppose
your massive brain
wouldn't be interested.

The rest of my body,
on the other hand…

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