Archive 20240331

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[Panel 1]
Happy Easter!

Er, Bell?

Zzz snrk oh hello happy eas
whatever it was you said.

You all right?

[Panel 2]
Pub's closed today, short
hours tomorrow, so I'm just
catching up on some sleep.

Hmm. Doesn't
sound healthy.

It probably isn't. But who else
is going to run the place the
way a pub should be run?
Citz? Maybe in ten years.

[Panel 3]
You could take a short holiday.

And not enjoy it because
I was worried about Mandi
setting the place on fire.


You could… close for a few days?

[Panel 4]
A closed pub is a dead pub. People
go and find somewhere else to
drink, and they don't come back.

Except for your secret weapon.

I still don't believe Poutine
Night will be the success
you think it will.

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