Archive 20240421

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[Panel 1]
Oh hi Bell, I wanted to
ask you… what's wrong?

You smell like
a regiment
of Frenchmen.

I found Nils's pickling
in progress. And I was
going to ask about that.

[Panel 2]
Why doesn't the pub
sell pickled garlic?

Not salty enough
for bar snacks.

This was pickled in brine!

[Panel 3]
Hmm. This place stil isn't a
commercial kitchen, though.

And you don't want
to let Nils…

I think he would instantly
downgrade a commercial kitchen
just by being in it.

[Panel 4]
So if someone slightly less…
say "enthusiastic"… were to
get hold of his recipe?

You interest
me strangely.

Well, nobody wants to pay Ginny
for a whole roast boar these days
so I've got some free time…

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