Archive 20240818

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[Panel 1]
Hi Bell. Seen Nils about?

No, he's off
in Manchester
or somewhere.

Am I my bruvver's keeper?

[Panel 2]
That too. Though I'm not sure
you should be anybody's keeper.

The cat was fine!

ANYway. Got a pig-roast in a couple
of weeks if you're interested.

[Panel 3]
Can't really get away.
I could ask Elizabeth.

Nah, we can
look after the
place, boss.

Are you SURE?

[Panel 4]
I'm not scared of mice, and Mandi
doesn't have a court order to say
she can't go near a brewer's rep.

Well, I supposeā€¦

Great! Does Jaz still own
that electric hammer?

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