Archive 20241124

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[Panel 1]
That's not witchcraft,
that's just how you make
a stew if you want it to
taste of something that
isn't elderly sheep.

That's my point,

Something that not everybody does.

[Panel 2]
You might as well say that
knowing how to clean the
beer lines is witchcraft!

Well, you can
curse someone
with the runs.

Quite a lot of someones. It's
not a precise technique.

[Panel 3]
For that I'd put something
in their Chilli Con Goat.

But I don't have to.

Because everyone has proper
respect for the local witch.

[Panel 4]
Landlady! Not a witch!
I can just bar them.

Consigning them
to the outer

Or at least to the
Wetherspoon's at
West India Quay.
Maybe you have a point.

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