Bell |
Camille |
Elizabeth |
Nils |
[Panel 1]
Camille's looking smug this morning.
[style 8way]
I wonder what he's been up to?
You know that cat we don't have?
[Panel 2]
Stop getting at me! All I do is leave
a window open so it can get into MY
room. I don't let it in the kitchen.
And nobody's heard
the mouse for ages.
I was woken in the night
by some caterwauling.
You reckon Camille was
terrorising the cat again?
[Panel 3]
You know the cafe's getting
their skylight fixed? The
plastic sheet over the hole
isn't there this morning.
Oh no! The cat's emergency
getaway run goes across
that skylight!
I was going to say, and there's
what looks like a trail of
blood across the yard.
That poor moggy!
Camille, how COULD you?
[style 8way]
[Panel 4]
And I was going to say, there's
a trail of red-bean-and-lentil
soup across the yard -- I went
and checked.
It must have been
simmering just under the
skylight-hole, I reckon.
So the cafe's soup-of-the-day...
Yup. Not so very veggie any more.
Red bean, lentil and scalded cat!
With coriander.
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