Caz |
Ginny |
Jaakko |
Mandi |
Nils |
[Panel 1]
I needed that.
I could use another.
Tavern wench! Three
more tankards of your
finest foaming ale!
Ooh, you ARE a one.
[Panel 2]
Hey Nils. You're not usually in this
early. Time off for good behaviour?
I wish. Office Christmas Party tonight.
In the Plastic Sausage (A Tired Joke Pub).
But they don't have beer
there. So we came here first.
They DO have karaoke. And high profit
margin ethnic cuisine. And Derek trying to
kiss his secretary under the mistletoe.
[Panel 3]
I've got a blowtorch you could borrow.
Old celtic tradition, mistletoe
doesn't count if it's on fire.
Lead me to it.
Down boy. You're already
"known to the police".
I can use a blowtorch...
Caz, have I told you that
you're really good people?
Yeah -- when I did
Elizabeth's bookshelves.
[Panel 4]
Oh, right. Well, I'm collecting
really good people. D'you fancy
coming to a braai on Boxing Day?
What, another? Haven't you
run out of fireworks yet?
Plenty more
where he
got those.
OK, you're on. If it isn't snowing.
If it's snowing, bring along your
blowtorch to get the fire started.
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