Bell |
Elizabeth |
Jaakko |
Nils |
[Panel 1]
OK, Elizabeth, there's
his second pint.
You can ask him now.
You're sure I don't
need to buy him
just one more?
Wuss! Get on with it!
What is this?
Nothing, nothing...
[Panel 2]
It is something or you would
not have bought two rounds.
Oh, you're hopeless, Elizabeth!
Bell, stop heckling.
It's just that I
wanted to ask you...
...a three-pint favour?
If you'd help get a huge old
chest-freezer to my parents.
[Panel 3]
They are planning to
freeze their chests?
Ignore him,
just go on...
It's just that you've got
that wonderful lorry-thing...
Ah, little Katja...
That, yes. And I think it is big
enough to carry a freezer on.
Is your freezer compatible with
Soviet rocket rails from 1943, or
is this going to be a welding job?
[Panel 4]
Do you want me to measure,
or was that a 'no'?
Jaakko, you're not being honest.
I haven't said
I won't do it...
You haven't told her you'd plan to
LAUNCH it into her parents' place!
Well, it would be quickest...
Why did you think I set this up?
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