Archive 20091206

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[Panel 1]
Got any sources for
thin steel bars?

That depends.

And what would
it depend on?

Whether I am offended that
you think I might not.

[Panel 2]
Oh good. I'll need about ten
metres in two metre lengths, and
two metres of aluminium U-tube.

Oh, and some
corner bits.

Dare I ask why?

Have you been outside recently?

Yes, of course. I cycled
here today as usual.

[Panel 3]
Did you notice the weather?

Well, the wind wasn't gusting more
than 50 knots, so not too bad. And?

It's been raining enough to
rot the garbage-ballista when
I haven't been using it much.

[Panel 4]
So you're rebuilding it in steel?

Nah, done that.
Now I want to
make a trebuchet.


If you need to ask, then
probably building your own
siege weaponry is Not For You.

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