Bell |
Elizabeth |
Jaakko |
Nils |
[Panel 1]
You might
say that.
What's up?
Er, you might not want
to go home for a bit.
[Panel 2]
We were working on the new
rubbish disposal trebuchet.
And we had to sight
it in, didn't we?
All right, what did you hit?
Tourist bus on its way to the Dome.
[Panel 3]
So we thought we'd turn out the
lights and close the windows and
come over here very quickly.
In a few hours the police
will have come and gone.
At least we weren't using our
OWN rubbish for the tests.
And what about Elizabeth?
[Panel 4]
Evening Bell. Oh, hello
Nils, Jaakko. You'll never
guess what happened.
Do I dare?
A nice policeman gave me a
lift down here from Stepney
Green. Something about
another terrorist flap.
It seems that you might not
want to go home for a bit...
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