Archive 20100117

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[Panel 1]
Coming to the pub?

I would like to,
but I have not
yet done this
week's timesheet.

Oh, you just

Yes, they're terrible, aren't they?
Dozens of little boxes, and you can
only put time into Official Projects.

[Panel 2]
All you have to do is

And you're not allowed to
mark up time for "filling
in the timesheet" even
though they admit it
takes an hour a week.

Take a look at

And the instructions file is bigger
than the one for writing software!

[Panel 3]


Look under shared, backups,
accounts, cleaning supplies, 2003.

There's a little
program I wrote there.

[Panel 4]
Delete all mail for the people who
came up with this blessed idea?

No, it fills in your timesheet
randomly based on what you
were supposed to be doing.

But don't they notice when
your timesheets have no
correlation with reality?

When do they EVER look at
timesheets? They just file them
to show to the auditors, and
THEY don't look at them either.

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