Bell |
Elizabeth |
Ginny |
Jaakko |
Nils |
Steve |
[Panel 1]
All right, I admit it, that worked.
I have to give her credit. She
hasn't said anything else since
Nils lit the blue touchpaper.
[Panel 2]
Well, thermite isn't
exactly very mediaeval.
Nor is turkey.
Didn't stop
her eating her
share, though.
Not wasting food is
IMPORTANT. I mean, bim.
[Panel 3]
You'll not convince Nils you've
been put into permanent shock if
you go slipping up like that.
That's all right, they've gone off
with that bottle from Steve's
cupboard of strange booze. We won't
be seeing them again for a while.
They're probably doing a
detailed breakdown of how it
worked and what to do next time.
[Panel 4]
You know, I have a little
bit of thermite left...
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