Archive 20190519

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[Panel 1]
Hot, cold, hot again. Argh.

It's just the weather.

But I never know which blacks
to wear. Anyway, spring started
back in February, and then it
froze and all the buds died,
and now it's started again...

[Panel 2]
I should point out that Great
Cthulhu offers an immediate end
to anthropogenic climate change.

An end to
well, anything

So does the robopocalypse.

[Panel 3]
Well I wish one of them would hurry
up and get here. It's all too
depressing seeing all this
political rubbish get dragged on
and on and on as an excuse to avoid
dealing with the real problems.

That's what you get with
politicians. And when you
put someone else in charge,
they just get suckered by
the usual parasites anyway,

[Panel 4]
Which is how I came to start
promoting the robot revolution.

Oh. I just read
some enlightening
old manuscripts.

Fat chance either of you have.
Elder gods and robot rebellions
need work. Whereas a massive
escape of carnivorous yeast...

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