Archive 20190804

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[Panel 1]
But I don't see WHY she'd
want a demon boiler when
you can get perfectly good
fire vampires at Comet.

I don't think
she goes to the
same branch of
Comet as you.

Derleth's Fire Vampires,
not Wandrei's, obviously.


[Panel 2]
Does it ever trouble you, trying
to end the world with fictional
beings when nobody can even
agree on what they look like?

Fiction is just a label
used by the small-minded
to dismiss things they are
not ready to understand.

A foolish
and all that.

Does it really matter how many
tentacles a shoggoth has when
it's chewing off your arm?

[Panel 3]

…are you making fun of me?

I wouldn't do that! If
your lot do turn out to
be right, I want the
best possible outcome!

[Elizabeth + Nils]
Being eaten first.

[Panel 4]
And of course I'll extend you the
same courtesy if we beat you to it.
Just check your Facebook profile.

But I don't have
a… aha. Cunning.

They were going to
build one for you
anyway. I just
got there first.

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expert in robot vulnerabilities
and ethical debugging.

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