Archive 20190825

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[Panel 1]

You'd better watch out
or Nils will mistake you
for a Cheese. What's up?

The Brownlow's rep came by.

[Panel 2]
But… I've seen that bloke.

The NEW Brownlow's
rep. After the old
one suddenly retired.

Ah. Well, he couldn't be worse.
At least… tell me he wasn't?

[Panel 3]
Not only did she not try
to cop a feel, she actually
knows their beers.

Is that allowed?

I mean, she's still a salesweasel,
but I'll take what I can get.

[Panel 4]
Well. Er. Good, then!

Don't worry, there
are still all the
others to deal with.

You can practice
your Withering Stare
on them if you're
here when they are.

Oh, I was thinking of Withering
without the Stare…

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