Archive 20210228

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[Panel 1]
No pub till April. Maybe.

Yes, but surely
there are still other
things you can do.

Of course there are. I can
keep knitting a Nils-cosy.

[Panel 2]
I'd have thought a green baize
cloth might be more to the point.

I can listen to
my music collection
in alphabetical
order, again.

Why not translate the names
into Russian and listen to them
in THAT alphabetical order?

[Panel 3]
Hmm, might be worth a try.

You could learn
to cook frumenty.


[Panel 4]
You'll have the only pub
in London that serves it.

There might be a
REASON for that.

Start a new dining trend, sell your
recipe to Frumenty and Shots
(Hoxton, Nice, Stavanger), then go
back to honest bangers and mash?

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