Archive 20210307

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[Panel 1]
And now Scotland's
been cancelled too.

Well, the next
boardgame thing, not
ALL of Scotland.

Next year, next year. And
Expo aren't committing
themselves till next month.

[Panel 2]
Given when WE'RE expecting to
get vaccinated, and how many
gamers are younger than us…

Can't see it. I mean, for a
shopping trip maybe, but the
people I'd want to talk with will
have too much sense to be there.

[Panel 3]
Fingers crossed for
Essen. In some form.

Thinking of
Scotland, how
would YOU get
to Perth?

Beg a lift or take a train.
Somebody else's problem.

[Panel 4]
With luck by then I can trade the
driving with Jaakko again.

Ah, yes, YOU
can sleep while
he's driving.

I find that after the first hundred
K the moments of terror blur into
a constant background hum.

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