Archive 20240630

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Background image by Graham Hogg and licenced for reuse under cc-by-sa.

[Panel 1]
[style rect]
In Stockport

So our food options areā€¦

Burger Kebab Pizza,

or the Co-Op,

or the garage.

[Panel 2]
Same as six months ago, really.

Or we could
walk into town.

Down the hill, and we'd be
coming back up in the rain.

Down the hill, and it's sure to
be raining as we come back up.

[Panel 3]
Sounds like another
burger kebab pizza then.

Might as well.

I fancy the doner calzone,
and they'll be quick.

[Panel 4]
I mean, sooner or later Dave
and Annie and Claire are going
to notice we're not playing.


Bet you two Contraband it's not
even our turn yet when we get back.

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