Archive 20241229

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[Panel 1]
Phewph. Think I've just about
recovered from Boxing Day.

Not to mention
sobered up.

I think Boxing Day Boardgames and
Braai may have been a bit much.

[Panel 2]
Nonsense! If a party is good,
a bigger party is better!

At that rate you
should just ask
everybody you know.

Sounds great to me!

[Panel 3]
Except Julie and Francis
still aren't talking after
their breakup and everyone
would have to take sides.

And you nearly put
your back out hauling
the beer for this one.


Ag! All right all right.

[Panel 4]
So maybe next year have
a New Year's Braai?

A bit of time
to recover.

And then book another week
off to recover from THAT…

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