Archive 20061029

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[Panel 1]
Hello and welcome to the twenty-second
Guy Fawkes' Night so far this year.

You what?

Don't you know the
old English rhyme?

[Bell and Elizabeth]
"Remember, remember the
Seventh of October..."

[Panel 2]
yeah yeah, "Gunpowder,
Treason and Plot..."

Always sounded a
good idea to me.

But I thought that was
the Fifth of November?

Not any more -- Nils, you are just so LAST
CENTURY. It starts earlier every year.

[Panel 3]
To the Editor: Dear Sir, Today
I heard the first cracker-mine.

Actually it isn't Guy Fawkes yet. It's
Hallowe'en. You know, when all the
little kids go around being menacing.

And their mothers
ENCOURAGE them to take
sweets from strangers.

I've still got some of those chilli
candies that Ginny brought back when
the bank sent her to Tokyo...

[Panel 4]
Oooh, that's CRUEL.

I LIKE it!

It's not as if this Trick
or Treat nonsense were even
traditional in England.

Back home they'd find a
landmine under the doormat.

I think that may be what just
went "BOOM" across the road.

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