Archive 20061112

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[Panel 1]
Good morning, Elizabeth. Tea.

Hi! Isn't it a beautiful day?

Eh? But you haven't
had any tea yet!

Oh, I've been awake for hours.

How MANY hours?

... about.... carry the twelve...

[Panel 2]
In that case, go to bed at once.

But it's MORNING.

Yeah, and if you step over
to this window you'll see
that Nils is up and dressed.

Oh, no... He isn't....

Rebuilding the braaistand.
You'll need to be fully
conscious this evening.

[Panel 3]
But surely even he can't
think it's still Guy Fawkes?

No. He says he can't
forget that vegetarian
sausage you gave him.

It was an accident....

He doesn't care. He says
he's going to do it over
and get it right this time.

[Panel 4]
Oh, no! Now I feel really guilty.

I shouldn't bother
if I were you.

It's just an excuse.

Jaakko's friend had a lot of
fireworks left after last week.




Not me. I'VE got grandpa's tin hat.

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