Archive 20071021

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[Panel 1]
Something occurs to me.

These kittens...

The ones your cat has
in the airing-cupboard?


She. By definition, really.

[Panel 2]
And of course she's your
cat. You're the landlord.

You let her in!

Whatever. You were saying?

The kittens. How many
of them are there?

I'm not sure. It's a
bit hard to check.

[Panel 3]
Your cat bites me
when I open the door.

...Not. My. Cat...

Probably three. Could be four.

Hmmmm. Call it d6+1
kittens to get rid of.

Yes, that sounds about right.

[Panel 4]
But Nils, I just thought...
Bell hates cats.

They won't be there for long. If
I have to I send in Camille.

So we don't tell her.

Won't she notice there's
someone in there?

Nah, she'll just think
it's your sheets.

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