Archive 20071014

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[Panel 1]
Nils, when did you last
change your sheets?

Some time while you were
away, I think. Why?

Ah. That explains it.

Explains what?

Hang on, you haven't BOUGHT
me some or anything, have you?

[Panel 2]
No, no, nothing like that.

Good. I've had those
sheets since I left home...

Well, that explains THAT as well!

Woman, I am hoping for
symbiosis with them one day.


[Panel 3]
So I say again my last.
Why do you want to know?

Well, it means you haven't
been in the airing cupboard.


And I assume Bell keeps
her stuff in her room.

Probably. And?

[Panel 4]
Your cat has had kittens
in there, is all.

MY cat? MY pets
are USEFUL. They
keep down pests.

In fact I think I'll
put Beatrice up there.

You wouldn't be so cruel!

Watch me. Watch her.
Watch the exodus...

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