Archive 20090719

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[Panel 1]
mutter mutter mutter MEAD.

Oh dear, is your back still bad?

Want me to hug you again?

mutter mutter BITE.

Mead. Now.

[Panel 2]
They're rolling the rest of
the library in on top of us
so that they can sell off
the outlying buildings.

Doesn't that give you more
underlings to wrangle?

Don't WANT underlings.

[Panel 3]
More books to enjoy, then.

Yes, but they're all weird
stuff like law and engineering.

Anyway there isn't room.

Haven't you got that
great white stone tower?


[Panel 4]
Go above the seventh floor and
it's unfit for habitation.

Even the pigeons steer clear.
Never mind humans. And
DEFINITELY not books.

You have free-range books?

No such thing. Just a rumour.
I definitely haven't seen
any. And that's official.


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