Archive 20100124

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[Panel 1]
That's a lekker smell.


What sort of stew?

I don't think a man who owns his
own sausage-grinder should be
asking questions like that.

[Panel 2]
Point. That's not our stew-pan, though.

No. I borrowed it
from the Scouts. They
wanted it broken in.

I don't think you could
fit a whole scout in it.

I think they mentioned the Cubs.

Ah. Not cannibalism, then.

[Panel 3]
So you're trying out
a medieval recipe?

Actually I got it out of
a Heyer book. Well, sort of.

I started with "un poco de aceyte
y una cabeza de ajos" the way
Juana Smith did for her panella.

Oil and garlic? Sounds good to me.

[Panel 4]
Maybe, but you are NOT
to eat it from the pot!

OK. Let me just
hollow out a loaf
and I'll be with you.

You don't have to use
a trencher and pretend
it's medieval, you know.

Trencher? I don't know
about those. It's FOOD.

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