Archive 20100207

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[Panel 1]
That's it! It's done!

Good morning,
Nils. Have you
slept lately?

Never mind that, it's all
up and running and all the
files are copying across.

That's nice. What is it?

[Panel 2]
ONLY ten terabytes of RAIDed
storage in a custom chassis with
dedicated indexing software.

That's nice.
What is it?

The video file server.

That's nice. What is it?


[Panel 3]
You know how when you want
to watch, oh, Totoro...



...and you need to flip through
the disc cases looking for it?

No. I know just where
everything that interests me is.

And sometimes a disc gets
scratched or just rots?

Well, that's true enough I suppose.

[Panel 4]
Well, no more! It's all
on the big new fileserver.

"The hard drives, in
their racks, growled
their readiness like
hounds straining at
the leash." Or
something like that?

Well, it will be. Just
have to go and change
another couple of DVDs.

See you in about five days...

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