Archive 20110508

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[Panel 1]
Bell, d'you fancy giving me a hand?

What with?

I need someone to
hold the ladder
while I paint
the stairwell.

Sexist pig. I might enjoy painting
the stairwell too, you know.

If you want to do it, Bell,
do feel free. I wouldn't want
to spoil your pleasure.

I'll even hold the ladder.

[Panel 2]
Hang on, I
didn't say I
WANTED to do it.
I said I MIGHT
want to do it.

You should have
asked, that's all.
AND earlier. I'm
just heading out
to meet Robin.

Anyhow, why do you want to paint the
stairwell? Elizabeth and that strange
friend of hers did it quite recently...

...after the trouble with the bottle of
blue-black ink and not treading on the cat
that wasn't asleep on the second step down...

[Panel 3]
Ah. Well, you remember the
mice in the bathroom?


Yes, them. Before I used the
Ultimate Camille Attack on them,
I thought I'd try soy sauce.

I don't think I WANT
to understand that...

[Panel 4]
And then I forgot and
left it up there, and
today I went to fetch
it, and you know the
cat that wasn't there?

The one Elizabeth
met on the stair?

It wasn't there again today,
and now the stairwell is
covered in brown stain.

I'll see you later. MUCH later.

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