Archive 20110515

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Elizabeth is a Twitching Cultist suffering from Paranoia, armed with a Hypodermic Needle and the Necronookiecon. Nils is an Investigator with the Fez of Fazooli and the Shoes of Only Having to Run Faster than You. Jaakko is a multiclassed Monster Whacker-Professor, armed with a Cultist T-shirt and the Necronomicon.

Munchkin is a trademark of Steve Jackson Games Incorporated, and the art and unique card titles from Munchkin are copyrighted by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated. Artwork is by John Kovalic and Goomi. All rights are reserved by SJ Games.

[Panel 1]

O god. What are you
lot up to this time?

Munchkin Cthulhu.

Searching for creatures of an elder
era, so blasphemously strange that
the mere human mind cannot
contemplate them and remain sane...

[Panel 2]
...then killing them and
taking their stuff.

Well, don't mind me.

Right, kick down the door...

Shallow Ones. I can kill them
easily enough. One, two...

[Panel 3]
Not so fast. For you
realise that this in fact a
Truculent Shallow One!


And its Spawn.

We had one of those in
the pub this afternoon.

Told him he had to
leave the Spawn outside.

[Panel 4]
I'd LOVE to help, but your
Paranoia won't let me.

In that case I'll throw
my Crunchy Cultists
at it and run away.

Too strange
for me. I'm
off to bed.

Iä! Iä!

"In his house at R'lyeh dead
Cthulhu waits dreaming"... but if
you wake ME, you'll be REALLY sorry.

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