Archive 20130120

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[Panel 1]
Right, now that all those old
machines are out of the way
and the network's rejigged...

Time to fill
it up with some
new machines?


Well, mostly not.

Only the KDC for the new
authentication system, and
that's just a tiny little box.

[Panel 2]
I'm not going to have to DO
anything about it, am I?

No! Nope, nope,
nope, not at all.

[size 7]
Well maybe a little.


[size 10]
Don't worry, I've already
reprovisioned your bedside phone.

[Panel 3]
And that's another thing.
Why can't you talk about
these things in English?

Or Dutch, at least
Elizabeth could
understand that.

Telefon bilong
komputa im
no go bruk?

Olpela komputa im go bruk. Planti
bikpela kiau bilong nupela komputa.

[Panel 4]
Yes, Tok Pisin, very good.

I'm sure the new
computer's got LOTS of
big light bulbs. And I'm
glad it's YOU paying the
electricity bill.

Yeah, Jaakko couldn't get enough
uranium for my original plan.


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