Bell |
Elizabeth |
Jaakko |
Nils |
# big room; Nils and Jaakko on sofa, Bell in chair;
# Open boxes in front of N+J
[Panel 1]
Hmm. When did I last
actually NEED an ISA card?
I think I have a box that...
no, it died of Y2K.
And THAT was obsolete when
I was given it. Five years
ago. And I haven't had
it out of the box since.
Hullo you two! What are you up to?
[Panel 2]
Spring cleaning.
But it's not
spring. Here OR
in South Africa.
Don't discourage him! You
haven't seen the stack of old
computers on the fire escape.
They were good machines,
but they done got old...
[Panel 3]
What's THIS? Seriously,
what is it for? If I
ever knew, I don't now.
Token Ring. Obsolete
even by MY standards.
I'll have that. We're still
using Token Ring at the library.
[Panel 4]
Oh, that reminds me,
I need a maintenance
window for flattening
the network.
Any time I'm at
work. I don't leave
the laptop here.
I trust there's
some POINT
to all this?
Just seemed like a good idea
all of a sudden, so I thought
I'd take advantage of it.
And nothing to do with
the computerfall in
the attic yesterday...
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