[Panel 1]
[textcolour grey50]
Ah well, at least it
makes a nice change.
What does?
Normally I don't get ill
until I'm on holiday.
This time I had a full
week back before it hit me.
[Panel 2]
Been to see the quacks?
Don't talk soft.
They offered me an
appointment for July.
[Panel 3]
If I've still got this
in July, I'll be dead.
But what about
the time off work?
Working from home. The others are
running interference so nobody
sees I'm not spreading my viral
mass to everyone in the office.
[Panel 4]
I thought you needed to be
able to think straight.
I'm taking their simple bits,
they're taking my fiddly bits.
Otherwise you might find customers
had to withdraw their money.
You mean their cowrie shells?
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