Archive 20140928

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# main room
[Panel 1]
Actually, speaking of
defunct mice as we were...

Oh, not another one!

...they've started
showing up at
the library.

I didn't even know you
had a library cat.

[Panel 2]
We don't. I think.

Anyway, mice and books
don't go well together.

The mice would disagree.

Yes, but I'm bigger than them.

[Panel 3]
SO I was going to ask if you
landlordy types knew a good
way of getting them to pack
their little bags and move out.

I can lend you my mouse-
intimidating robot.

BORROW a cat?

A suitably hungry one, of course.

[Panel 4]
Yes, the last thing you want
is one that goes to sleep
and gets eaten by the mice.

That's not cats,
that's snakes.

Well, THAT's an idea.

We keep it too cool for snakes
or I'd have been round to
World of Pythons already.

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