Archive 20140921

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[Panel 1]
Panic! Disaster!

What's up?

There's a dead mouse
on the steps outside.

Did your cat get it, then?

[Panel 2]
It's not my cat! And
it didn't look damaged.

Well, meeces do die
eventually, you know.

But they're not MEANT to! They're
supposed to just go on being
about the place, like woodlice.

[Panel 3]
Even woodlice die. Usually
inside sealed light-fittings.

I fear you may be asking a little
much of our friend mus musculus.

I know I am. But I'm still miffed.

There will be other mice.

I'm sure there already are.

[Panel 4]
But how could they ever
match Old, er, Greyshanks?

You see, it's not as if

# singing
...let down your people, Mouseita
You were supposed to have been immortal
That's all they wanted, not much to ask for...

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