[Panel 1]
Is that your debris in the big room?
I don't know. What
does it look like?
Little cards saying things like
"blast pipe" and "arachnolegs".
[Panel 2]
Oh, right. I was having a quick
game with Nils last night,
but he needed sleep so we're
finishing later. Is it in the way?
Only of my train of thought.
I don't THINK there
are any trains in it.
[Panel 3]
I don't even want to consider train
wars at this time of the morning.
Ah, the leviathans of the west!
Armed and powered as
only a steam locomotive
can be armed and powered...
[Panel 4]
Um, there there, and have
you got the gin in for the
madrigal circle tonight?
Yes. And the mild.
And the Hungarian
rosehip brandy.
You know, sometimes I wonder how
you have time for any singing....
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