Archive 20170108

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[Panel 1]
Nils, do we have a ghost?

Only in the pub,
as far as I know.

It's just that I heard eerie
music coming from Bell's
room, and I know she's away.

[Panel 2]
Not the slaughterbots again?

No, they went off to
do some consciousness-
raising down at
Computer Exchange.

And the cheeses just sort of hum
to themselves in the kitchen.

[Panel 3]
You said LAST Christmas that
you were going to do something
about these blasted infestations!

I sorted out the mice!

By giving them a Mouse
Palace, you great softie.

[Panel 4]
Hang on, I vaguely remember,
Bell asked me to set up an
auto play on the house jukebox.

What, to annoy an
Elizabeth just when
I'm going to bed?

I think she just didn't want
her clothes losing their
gothicness while she was away.

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