Archive 20180128

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[Panel 1]
All right, that one's full. Maybe
if I go up Friedrichstraße?

What's up?

Trying to book a hotel.

In Germany, I take it?

[Panel 2]
Yeah, next October.

And they're
already full?


Oh. Right. That. Well,
it'll be a good excuse
for some autumn cleaning.

[Panel 3]
The coffee mugs were an experiment!
And I bought more to replace them.

Yeah, but Camille ate
them after the first month
and you didn't notice.

Well, they weren't moving. Much.

[Panel 4]
I have a pub to keep presentable
now. My standards have gone up

oh dear

I'm turning into
my cousin Kate.

Never mind, at least
you don't have
her dress sense.


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