Archive 20190811

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[Panel 1]
The usual.

Black Cat Mild?

No, I mean it…
is… alive, my
creature lives,


But, well,
yes actually.

Which creature is living this time?

[Panel 2]
All the servers. New version
of the operating system.

o god

Security patches.

[Panel 3]
Yes, but why can't they JUST do the
security patches without CHANGING
everything at the same time?

They do. That's what we run.
But eventually that gets far
enough away from the main line
that you have to start again
with the current version.

[Panel 4]
Also the modern web is a pile
of rubbish carefully balanced
on top of other rubbish,
and some of it is on fire.

Bah humbug.

But now the calendar
server is working!

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