Archive 20200202

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[Panel 1]
So that's that then.

Doesn't FEEL like
the end of the world.

I thought there'd be
more tentacles.

Or clanking.

[Panel 2]
Or at least that sort of vwoop
sound you get when the timeline
resets again and everyone
else loses their memories.


I would HOPE that
if you had timeline-
resetting abilities
you would have
used them by now.

What makes you think she hasn't?

[Panel 3]
ANYway. All set, just in case?

I have my stash of
boardgames, and
the UPS batteries
are fully charged.

"665 things to do with
a freshly dead corpse",
plastic wipe-clean edition.

Cupboard full of Rochefort 6.

[Panel 4]
You know, if life DOES go on…

I'll have played
lots of boardgames.

I'll have drunk
lots of good beer.

And I'll be explaining the
bloodstains to the police.

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