Archive 20210418

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[Panel 1]
Oh, hi Bell. Thought
you were open today.

We ARE. I've just sent
eleventeen pints up
the dumbwaiter. And
seven Scotch eggs.

Hang on, do we still have to have a
substantial meal to get our beer?

[Panel 2]
No, but half the punters haven't
checked what today's rules are and the
other half apparently LIKE the things.

Random sausage, AND
egg, AND deep frying.
Why wouldn't I?

If you're really lucky I'll do
some black pudding ones next week.

[Panel 3]
They come in bla…?


Oh dear, I've
crashed him again.

Now, what is it I have to say?

[size 11.5]
[font Amelia_BT.ttf]
killall -1 init

[Panel 4]
[style rect]
One reset later

[size 10]
[font Komika.ttf]
and you'd just said
you were going to
help out so that Citz
could take a break.

Out of the goodness
of my heart?

Don't ask me, I'M not the one who
has to live inside your head.

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